- The Home At Last album page now has the lyrics for all songs except those which were unique to the double vinyl release.
- The following song pages have been created: He Really Loves You, We Three Twogether, Somewhere Out There, Selah, The Rock That Doesn’t Roll, I Love You, Deja Vu, I Am A Servant, The Sun Began To Reign, Shot Down, Diamonds, Hymn To The Last Generation and If God Is My Father.
- Larry's descriptions of the songs She’s A Dancer and My Feet Are On The Rock have been added, transcribed from an unpublished interview.
- Four interesting photos have been added to the I Love You album page.
- The UFO song page has been updated to include the lyrics of the In Another Land version. Similarly, I’ve Searched All Around now includes the Bootleg and IAL lyrics, and "version 3" lyrics are present for Righteous Rocker.
- I Don’t Wanna Lose You, Fly Fly Fly, I’ve Got To Learn To Live Without You, The Same Old Story, The Great American Novel, Christmas Time, Pardon Me (albeit the same as version 1), Righteous Rocker and Be Careful What You Sign song pages have all been updated to include the Starstorm lyrics.
- Small Circle, One Way and Six Sixty Six song pages now include more than just the original lyrics. Six Sixty Six also now includes the backwards masking audio clip.
- The service which provides the main coding for this site have recently introduced an update. One of the things they've added is a built in accordion function. The site was already using third party accordion code on the album pages, but the new functionality is better, as any text within the accordions becomes searchable. It's also much easier to configure for different sized accordions, which allows me to use them on the song pages too, to present the lyrical variations in a much better way. All that to explain that Righteous Rocker and Be Careful What You Sign song pages are using accordions.
- Additional and/or accordionised lyrics have been added to the Crying Shoes, We Need A Whole Lot More Of Jesus, You Can’t Take Away The Lord, I Don’t Believe In Miracles, Walking Backwards, Ha Ha World, Sweet Song, Forget Your Hexagram, The Last Supper and I Wish We’d All Been Ready song pages.
- The following album pages have been updated to use the new accordion: I Love You, Upon This Rock, Street Level, Bootleg, Home At Last, In Another Land, Starstorm, Live At The Way Inn and Motorola Corolla 2.
- I won't call out further accordion updates in future, but all album and song pages will be updated in this way in due course.
- The layout of various song pages has been tidied up, and superfluous information has been removed from the In Another Land album page. (It's all on the song pages now instead).
Anyway, I said I had added something a little bit special. Song pages, including lyrics have been added for the unreleased songs Here Comes The Ice Cream Man and Buttercup. A Yellow Daisies song page has also been added. This song has actually been released, but only on a very limited SRA CD. The lyrics I've included however come from an entirely unheard version which was recently unearthed from Larry's archives... These pages also include photos of acetates on which the songs were recorded.