- Lyrics for I Love You have been added for all tracks.
- A Motorola Corolla 2 album page has been created, and most of the lyrics added.
- Details for the song I Want You To Know have been updated on both the song page and on the Motorola Corolla 2 album page to reflect the fact that it is actually the song Giant Man.
- Song pages for Berkeley Barb and Being What I Am have been created.
- I Want You To Know has been added to the song list.
- The two Belfast Bootleg samplers, and Essential Test Disc have been added to the Singles page.
- Lots of albums have been added to the Albums landing page. Also added album descriptions, as lifted from the official website, and links to them on the official store.
- Some of the invisible CSS trickery has been tidied up to make Facebook links to the site look better.
- Four photos have been added to the home page. They just happen to be the same four photos which the SRA voted between several years ago to select one for Larry's Wikipedia page. It didn't actually stay on the page for very long, due to a technical issue.