- Added the CD version (Rough Street Love Letter) to the Labor Of Love album page. Likewise Letter Of The Law, Street Level and Rough Mix 3.
- Updated and renamed the Rough Mix 3 album page to cover both the Oops and Howling versions. (It had been Barking At The Oops - Rough Mix 3). Update its caption on the Albums landing page.
- Updated the Rough Street Love Letter description, and updated all relevant song pages, including corrections as required.
- Added lyrics to Father Touch and promoted it into the Albums menu structure. Note: The WZZD interview is not yet fully transcribed.
- Updated and corrected where necessary all relevant song pages to reflect Father Touch.
- Created new song pages: Father Of All, Dark Passage, I Need A Touch, Near, Ironman Takes The A Train and Excerpt From A Young Lions Session, 1985.
- Added the titles Dejavu, The Future Is Here, Are You Breathing, Veja Du and Breathe In to the Songs landing page.
- Updated the You'll Never Guess song page, significantly. Did you manage to guess what all six tracks were?
- Added The Mother Of All Tribute Albums to the Other Releases page, and also to the Albums landing page. Likewise Bootleg, A Tribute To Joel Pierce.
- Added the Royal Music Q-Stone CD to Other Releases page. Likewise the Andrae Crouch tribute CD.
- Added The Rock Revival Volume 3 to Other Releases page and updated the affected song pages.
- Moved An Audience Of One into the correct position (date order) on Other Releases page.
- Updated the Covers page.
- Added Super Oldies Volume 4 to the Other Releases page and to the Albums landing page. Updated the Apple Cider page.
- Added a new variant to The Israel Tapes.
- Fixed a broken link on the I Hope I'll See You In Heaven page.
- Added initial release dates to the top of album pages; up to 1979 so far.
- Changed the original Planet CD release date from 1993 to 1992.
- Changed the Bootleg LP reissue release year to 1989. (Was 1990), and added a new variant, Boot-UK4.
- Added slideshow images of Bootleg master tapes. Cool!
- Added images of the Brazilian stereo version of I Love You. Also added variants ILY-US12 and ILY-US13.
- Added a note highlighting that I Love You was never pressed in Winchester. Added the same note to the Both Sides Of People page.
- Added details of a third SKAO variant of Upon This Rock. Also added variants UTR-NZ3, UTR-CA4, UTR-UK12 and UTR-SA2, and replaced the images for UTR-SA1 with ones from a much less battered copy.
- Added plant information to UTR-US3 and -US5. (Upon This Rock) and added the AFRTS LP. Go check that out now. Did you even know it existed?
- Corrected matrix details (missing dashes and dots) of UTR-US5.
- Added images of some uncoded Upon This Rock variants, including the counterfeit Masterphonic 8-track cassette.
- Corrected the '4CL' 8 track cassette description to 4-track on the I Love You page.
- Added matrix details for a number of 7" singles under the Larry Norman tab, corrected some release year errors and added some trivia.
- Swapped the I've Got To Learn To Live Without You mono/stereo single images to make the mono the a-side.
- Swapped Christmas Time / Christmas Song 7” single images to show the latter as the ‘a’ side, due to the matrices.
- Added a new variant of the I Love You 7" single. (7ILY-US12).
- Corrected slight errors in Street Level matrix details. Corrected -US9 and -US10 rear cover images, and added a new variant, SL-US29.
- Swapped the order of the Ordure Blanc / Sonrise In Another Land CDs and added a note about IFPI codes. Swapped the order of the earlier Land CDs around to reflect research into their release order.
- Added lyrics to The Cottage Tapes Book One and promoted it into the Albums menu structure.
- Created new song pages for All Right Now, He's The One and I Ain't Gonna Sing The Blues No More. Added All Right Now to the Born Twice entry on the Other Releases page.
- Updated all relevant song pages to reflect The Cottage Tapes, with corrections where needed.