This is a development blog so that you (and I) can keep track of what's new on this site. That may not seem particularly interesting to you either, but believe me it is much more so than yesterday's macaroni cheese.
So, in the last few days:
- The lyrics for Upon This Rock have been verified against the (Capitol) LP sleeve.
- The lyrics for Planet have been verified against the MGM LP sleeve.
- A Garden page has been created.
- The link buttons on the Albums landing page have been replaced with images. Which function as links.
- Links have been added to the album pages, taking you straight to that album in the Solid Rock online shop. They need to eat too you know. And I'd rather give them your money than my own.
- The lyrics for Garden have been updated / corrected by listening to the original MGM vinyl.
- An In Another Land page has been created, and the lyrics verified against the LP sleeve.
- Added audio to the accordion tab of the song Six Sixty Six on the In Another Land page, allowing you to hear Larry's most secret message, Wolf In White Van, without destroying the needle on your record player.
- Added overlays for Upon This Rock, with song descriptions taken from the 2CD version booklet.
- Added more information about the songs Prelude, You Can't Take Away The Lord and I Don't Believe In Miracles, detailing how many released versions there are, and where they can be found.
- Created individual song pages for All Fall Down, All I See Is You... and When All My Dreams Are Ending - also known as All My Dreams. Also created song pages (basically duplicates of the overlays) for the three Upon This Rock tracks mentioned above. Here, here, and here.
- Added a temporary landing page so you can find these song pages, which are fully searchable by the way.
- And, just a few minutes ago, I added a song page for All The Way Home.
Right now, I'm off to make myself a cup of tea. Two sugars. And milk.