For me then this blog entry looks a bit different from most others. To you it probably looks exactly the same as always; a bunch of dots with some words after them. And some of those words are in a different colour.
- Added and/or tidied matrix and general details, and page layout for I Love You (ILY) and Both Sides Of People (BSOP).
- Moved ILY-US3 from Jacksonville to Los Angeles section, having finally figured out what it is.
- Added matrix details and label photos for BSOP-CA1. (I've decided there is no point in keeping sealed copies sealed).
- Corrected BSOP-KO2 to BSOP-JA1, and added BSOP-US5.
- Added and/or tidied matrix and general details, and page layout for Upon This Rock (UTR), including a blurb about the release dates. Did you know that the Impact version was not released in 1970 like almost the entire world believes.....?
- Re-ordered much of the Upon This Rock entries to better reflect their chronological order.
- Corrected an error where UTR-US23 was assigned to both a CD and an LP. The LP is now -US31.
- Added UTR-US30 and UTR-CA5.
- Added the matrix number to the catalogue number of Street Level LP SL-US4. IE three catalogue numbers because the matrix, labels and sleeve all differ from each other!
- Added and/or tidied matrix and general details, and page layout for Bootleg (Boot).
- Added Boot-US27.
- Replaced Boot-US2 images (including fixing what was an incorrect front cover image).
- Replaced incorrect front cover image on Boot-US11.
- Tidied matrix details for UK Son Worshipers LPs.
- Added and/or tidied matrix and general details for, and page layout for Only Visiting This Planet (OVTP).
- Added OVTP-US40 through -US45. Yes, there are 45 US variants. In fact I'm confident there are more than 50 out there! Do you have any of the missing pieces?
- Added and/or tidied matrix and general details, and page layout for So Long Ago The Garden (SLATG).
- Replaced some SLATG images with better ones, added a placeholder for SLATG-NZ1 and updated SLATG-US8 with 'unsealed' images.
- Added some new SLATG CD variants.
- Tidied Here’s To Veterans page.
- Tidied Jubilation matrix details.
- Added and/or tidied matrix and general details, and page layout for In Another Land (IAL).
- Replaced IAL-SA1 images, as well as UK Garrod & Lofthouse sleeve images.
- Added IAL-US16.
- Added matrix details to Sonrise Sampler page.
- Tidied layout of Streams page and added matrix details.
- Tidied layout of Starstorm page, added matrix details and added Star-AU1.
- Added matrix details for the Greenbelt Live LP.
- Added a Thriftstore Masterpiece page.
- Added scanned images for Remixing This Planet RTP-US1.
- Added kollector kodes for all of the above as required. That's a lot of kodes. ;-)
- Added sleeve images for 7ILY-ME2. See the Singles page.
- Added matrix details and kodes for Solid Rock singles SRS-200 and -202. See the Singles page.
- Added the release year to all 1980s album pages.
- Tidied formatting of title and codes on all albums up to the end of the 1980s.
- Koded Live At The Mac, We Wish You A Larry Christmas, Vineyard, Rough Street Love Letter, Father Touch and The Cottage Tapes.
So, lots of spring cleaning. Gone are some of the frankly confusing image layouts on the Only Visiting This Planet and In Another Land pages for example. Kollector kodes have been fully defined for all titles released up to the end of the 1970s. Some detective work has proven long held assumptions wrong. And I need to decide whether to keep going in this vein or to switch direction again..... Which will I choose? Stay tuned for the next gripping episode, which will be the fiftieth blog entry. Fifty! I wonder if I spend too much time blogging instead of adding actual content?